Thursday, January 19, 2006

UPDATE: Jazz at Holmes begins
TONIGHT with Kim Portnoy

A couple of hours after posting the previous item, I got an email from the Jazz at Holmes listserv, announcing that the semester's first concert will be tonight (Thursday, January 19) at 8 p.m. and will feature pianist Kim Portnoy.

Obviously, this invalidates the headline stating that Peter Martin would be kicking things off for 2006, and makes me feel kinda silly in the process. Apologies to you, O discerning reader, and to Mr. Portnoy, but his concert was not listed in the news release I got from the Wash U. media relations department that served as the basis for the item.

However, other than that regrettable omission, the schedule for the rest of the year seems to be accurate as listed, so I guess there's no major harm done. Here's hoping any future announcements reach yr. humble editor in a slightly more timely.manner.

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