Saturday, May 08, 2021

StLJN Saturday Video Showcase: More of the latest livestreams from St. Louis

This week, let's take a look at some more recent livestream performances from St. Louis musicians and presenters, starting up above with an Art Blakey tribute led by drummmer Montez Coleman. Coleman is joined by Ben Reece (tenor sax), Danny Campbell (trumpet), Adaron “Pops” Jackson (piano), and Bob DeBoo (bass) for the session recorded last November at Jazz St, Louis and streamed online this Thursday, May 7.

After the jump, you can see a set from violinist Tim Kampen's Jazz Expedition. Campen, a St. Louis native now living in Nashville, recorded the set at The Sheldon for streaming this past Tuesday, May 4.

Next up, it's keyboardist Pete Ruthenburg and his band in a show recorded on last Saturday, May 1 at the "Open Air" tent outside The Grandel.

That's followed by a set from singer Joanna Serenko, recorded in April at Jazz St. Louis with accompaniment from guitarist Tyler Dale. keyboardist David Grelle, bassist Zeb Briskovich, and drummer Miles Vandiver.

The fifth video features another installment from pianist Peter Martin's ongoing series of solo online shows, first streamed on Friday, April 9.

And the final video features some vintage jazz and swing from Miss Jubilee and the Yas Yas Boys, recorded in March 2021 here in St. Louis for streaming by the San Diego Jazz Fest.

You can see the rest of today's videos after the jump...

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