Saturday, August 01, 2020

StLJN Saturday Video Showcase:
"Sanborn Sessions" season one

St. Louis' own David Sanborn turned 75 this past Thursday, July 31, and to celebrate the six-time Grammy Award winning saxophonist's birthday, today StLJN offers an in-depth look at one of his latest projects, the six episodes making up the first season of "Sanborn Sessions."

The web video series, which debuted earlier this year, features Sanborn performing and conversing with musicians from a variety of genres. If that premise sounds a bit like Night Music (aka Sunday Night), the NBC program that Sanborn hosted for a couple of years at the turn of the 90s, it's no coincidence.

While Night Music has never been released in any home video format due to a variety of performance rights and music clearance issues, Sanborn cites the program as one of the inspirations for "Sanborn Sessions," though the latter is necessarily a much smaller-budget affair, since it's produced without the resources of a major broadcast network.

Resembling "Live from Daryl's House" more than Saturday Night Live, "Sanborn Sessions" brings the various guest artists into Sanborn's home studio to perform with him and the house band, which includes Ben Williams on bass, Billy Kilson on drums, Andy Ezrin on keyboards, Jon Herington on guitar, and Alice Soyer (who's also married to Sanborn) on vocals.

The episodes are presented here in the order in which they were released, starting up above with episode one, which features singer and keyboardist Kandace Springs with Sanborn and the band.

After the jump, you can see the St. Louis-centric second episode, with singers Michael McDonald and Brian Owens.

Episode three is next, featuring singer-songwriter Jonatha Brooke and guitarist Charlie Hunter, followed by episode four with multi-instrumentalist and producer Terrace Martin

The fifth episode features vocalist Cyrille Aimée, while the sixth and final program of the season reunites Sanborn with his longtime friend and collaborator, keyboardist Bob James

You can see the rest of today's videos after the jump...

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