Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Compiling a list of St. Louis jazz
musicians and venues on Twitter

When yr. humble editor first set up the StLJN Twitter account a couple of years ago, I also put together a list of St. Louis jazz musicians, venues and others of interest who had accounts on Twitter. At the time, there weren't a whole lot of local users to put on the list, but since then, the use of Twitter, both in general and here locally, has grown exponentially.

So, the plan now is to revisit, revise and update that St. Louis jazz Twitter list, adding as many local musicians (and expats), venues, and any other accounts that seem to fit, in hopes of making it something that might actually be useful for getting an overview of St. Louis jazz via Twitter.

If you're a musician, presenter, venue, provider of products and services to musicians, or someone else who'd like to be included, let me know the URL of your Twitter account, and I'll add it to the list. You can send your information by:

* Tweeting it directly to @StLJazzNotes
* Commenting on this post, or on the link to it over at StLJN's Facebook page
* Email it to stljazznotes at yahoo dot com

When the updates are complete, I'll put up another post with a link to the revised list.

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