Monday, January 14, 2008

Another jazz festival for St. Louis?

Speaking of news in brief, while perusing the news section of this weekend, I ran across an item which I will reproduce here in its entirety:
"The Grant Green Jazz Festival is tentatively scheduled for July 4th to 6th 2009 in St. Louis, Missouri. St. Louis is Grant's hometown."
That's it; that's the entire article. With no further details of any kind, it's hard to know if this is legitimate, someone's wishful thinking, a joke, an attempt to gauge potential interest, or something else entirely. (I checked Google, and the only search result for "Grant Green Jazz Festival" led back to the same item.) Obviously, a lot can happen between now and July 2009; if and when more information is forthcoming, StLJN will, of course, be on the story.

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