The good news is that, after spending some recovery time in intensive care, Terry reportedly is feeling somewhat better and remains eager to hear from friends, fans, fellow musicians and former students.
You can express your birthday wishes directly to Terry over at his website, where his wife Gwen Terry has been posting updates on his condition and collecting messages and comments to relay to him. You can catch up on all of StLJN's past coverage of Clark Terry, including news, links to videos, free downloadable albums, interviews and more, here.
As a personal and close friend of clark, i feel a deep sense of remorse that on his 91 birthday he has to face such a tramatic situation of loss of limb, his part in my life has been nothing less than haveing another brother. His warm and open personality is nothing less than remarkable noteing all the ladders he has had to climb in his life. Just think what his life has spaned, all that he had to endure to get to where he is today, and help open all the doors along the way for others on all shades of the color spectrum. CLARK I LOVE YA!!! MICKY MOUSE ( ALAN)
Oh yes , lets not forget his lovely and most gracious wife Gwen ,a man like clark is one most lucky man, Gwen is nothing less than a strong backbone to a great man , and Gwen should not be forgotten with all the support and work behind and in front of the scenes , she is nothing less than remarkable, please lets remember behind every great man is a great woman , Gwen , LOVE YA ALSO MICKY MOUSE ( ALAN)
Thanks for commenting, Alan. There's no doubt that, as well as being a great musician, Clark Terry is an inspirational individual, even to those of us who haven't had the privilege of knowing him personally.
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