It's a new week in a new month, and with it come some new features on this site:
* If you'd like to read St. Louis Jazz Notes using a iPhone, Blackberry or similar gadget, there's now a version of StLJN formatted especially for mobile devices available at (I'll also be adding a permanent link for the mobile service over on the right sidebar, below the "Subscribe to StLJN" section.)
Essentially, it takes the RSS feed of the site and formats the text in a way that's optimized for a small screen. Lacking the requisite hardware, yr. humble editor hasn't had a chance yet to test the service, but I'm interested in feedback and comments from anyone who does, so please try it out and then leave a comment or send me an email with your impressions.
* Also finally up and running this week is a long-delayed project: a map of St. Louis jazz clubs and concert venues, which can be found at (I've also added a permanent link to the map in the "Site Navigation" section.)
It's built on Google's map technology, so you can move the map around with your cursor; use the controls at upper left to zoom in and out; toggle between the map and satellite photos; and click on each "point of interest" for an annotations box with additional information, phone numbers, Web site URLs, and so on.
I imagine it's something that locals will use only occasionally, but it should be particularly handy for visitors and new arrivals. Again, please feel free to offer your suggestions, corrections, additions and observations via email or in the comments for this post.
* Meanwhile, the StLJN calendar of events can now be found at, where it's gotten a makeover to match the map page, allowing for the addition of an identifying banner up top, plus a sidebar with links, ads and a visitor counter. (If you'd prefer to see the larger, unframed versions of the map and calendar, there are links at the bottom of each page that will let you do that.)
* Finally, just another reminder that you can now follow St. Louis Jazz Notes on Twitter at and become a "fan" by signing up on the StLJN Facebook page.
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5 hours ago
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