Wednesday, January 10, 2007

City of Gabriels nominated for award

City of Gabriels, the book on the history of jazz in St. Louis written by DJ and historian Dennis Owsley, has been nominated for a 2006 Association for Recorded Sound Collections Award for Excellence in Historical Recorded Sound Research:
"Published by the Sheldon Art Galleries and Reedy Press, the book is a companion piece to an exhibit by the same name on view at the Sheldon Art Galleries through August 2007.

To be eligible for this annual award, the material must have been published for the first time in 2006; the subject matter must concern records, record labels, or recording artists in any field of music or speech; it must focus on a historical time period (pre-1995) and must be made available in printed form. Founded in 1966, the Association for Recorded Sound Collections (ARSC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to research, study, publication, and information exchange surrounding all aspects of recordings and recorded sound."
For more information on the ARSC, visit

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